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"More Prepositions"

Since the early 1930s. the world has been fascinated by the Local Ness Monster, which is said to live in a deep lake in Scotland. Before that, as early as the eighth century in fact, a misionary named St.Culumba reported sighting the monster and prayed it would be go away.

After the building of a road around one side of lake in the 1930s. reports of sightings increased dramatically. unlike St. Columba, thousands prayed that the monster would appear.

In 1976, Sir Peter Scott caused great excitement by saving that under water photographs taken by North American university scientist proved the existence of the monster beyond doubt. According to one person, the picture that was considered the best proof of monster's existence looked like "a set of bagpies is snowstorm."

It is ever proven beyond doubt that no monster exists, the world will be a poorer place and so will the area around Loch Ness, which does a thriving tourist business. It is interesting to note, however, that in spite of skepticism about the existence of the monster, parents who live near the lake forbid their children to go near the water.  

Prepositional Phrases :
  • since the early 1930s. by the monster
  • before that👥😊
  • after the building of the road around one side of the lake
  • beyond doubt
  • like 'a set of bagpipes in snowstorm"
  • near the lake

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